Friday, April 29, 2016

Small Wonders One May Choose to See

I noticed out my backdoor I had a creeper at the property line. Unbeknownst to him I was watching as he peeped over my brush pile, most likely considering it an eyesore. These neighbors rarely consider the wildlife as they spray the herbicides indiscriminately around their wooded lot and pesticides into the bees’ nests. It makes me sad...

 ...but on my side I’m so overjoyed to take a walk down the path into this wooded wonderland. 
It may not all be native because I’m pretty welcoming to most things that care to come live here, but it’s all beautiful.
These early spring days one has to look closely to see the small wonders. 
Soon enough they’ll be full and expansive, elbowing each other and nodding into each other’s comfort zones, but right now they’re starting out shy and tentative. 
Maybe that’s why my neighbor had to come so close to see. 
Hopefully, he’s wondering how he can have such diversity, but more likely he’s worried something will wander onto his pristine brown, “weedless” woodland floor, blown clean of leaves, raked clear of sticks and moss.
The sun is at that perfect evening angle, shining through and around. 
It flickers off grandma’s flatware and beads, hung low in the tree. 
It catches in the petals and resonates there. 
It glows warmly in the golds no matter what chills lay hidden in the shadows.
Watch out creeper man! The fun and laughter, here, are contagious!
 The hard work is fun. The disorganization is part of the master plan. The paths are crooked and take you back where you began.

One's weed is another's prized beauty.


  1. Love your Daffs and Hyacinth. The unfolding ferns are gorgeous. Keep up the good work!

  2. Love your Daffs and Hyacinth. The unfolding ferns are gorgeous. Keep up the good work!

  3. Thank you! 🌼🐝 This is really a wonderful time in the garden, isn't it?
